Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Creature Under the House

Some months back a large hole appeared under the stem wall at the base of our house. The dark tunnel that led to our crawl space beneath the house got the full attention of our dogs. Midnight barking raids became the norm as they often demanded access to the back yard.

We tried putting a big bag of river rocks in the entrance to the tunnel behind the air conditioning units outside. For a short time there were no signs of the animal's return. That changed a few nights ago when the dogs went crazy clawing and sniffing at the baseboard in the den. 
Before opening the door to let the dogs out for their morning business, I clicked and re-clicked the deadbolt trying to scare away any unwelcome guests. That day it turned out to be a young stray cat. For the past few days this youngster has been snooping around the dog's water dish and hanging out in their fenced yard. And I had begun setting out food for the poor hungry creature. But in the country you can't set out food unless you want to attract a lot of animals that enjoy it, like the 3 armadillos I saw behind my Mom's fence just a couple of days ago.

Naturally, the dogs shot off the porch heading for the garage, where the kitty was holding its ground.  "No! No! Come here," I screamed. The dogs are ignoring me and the neighbors likely aren't. Once in alert mode, the dogs worked as a team to flank the enemy and closed in on the intruder just as I came running out wearing one shoe, the other lost coming down the steps.

For the surprise of the week, I potted four giant furry caterpillars wriggling in unison along the garage wall. I grabbed the dog's collar and pulled his nose away dragging him backwards toward the door. Who knew if they were poisonous or not? Our ever-obedient elder dog gave a few interested sniffs then ran back inside with us.

The caterpillars turned out to be the upraised tails of three baby skunks whose mother had gone out for breakfast leaving them to crawl out of their cozy nest. A few minutes later they found their way back underground, returning to safety and comfort.


  1. Hello Peg. A piece of chain link fence may cut off their escape if you catch them above ground again. Good luck with this one.

  2. Hi Mike, You may think I'm nuts but I actually took a small shovel, gently picked up each baby skunk and moved it head first to the underground tunnel. They crawled back under on their own accord. I couldn't see gathering them up without their mother. They were just tiny babes unable to stand or walk but a few steps. We may have to get a humane live animal trap and relocate them if I see them again. I'm hoping they are gone for good.

  3. Why you little have a heart of gold for all of God's creatures!

    I think you are TOPS, my dear Sista in every way!

    Love you, Maria

  4. Hello Maria my dear sista
    There were four of these little guys that morning but none since. I think the little "Dusty" cat is taking care of keeping the stray skunks out of the yard. He sure loves that milk at dinnertime!
    Love you.
