Thursday, December 30, 2010

Reflections on Events of 2010

During this time like so many others, I tend to reflect on the events of the previous 12 months. With each year, it gets more difficult to remember everything so I write notes on my wall calendar. Today I'll take it down and have a look back at the first 6 months of 2010.

The year started off with our celebration of 21 years of marriage, then Mom's fall and subsequent hospitalization, and back surgery, my sister's multiple plane trips to visit and help with the care and rehabilitation for Mom and cooking for Louise during Mom's recovery at the Skilled Nursing Facility.

February brought a record snowfall in 24 hours of 12 plus inches.  March would have been Dad's 86th year. April brought us a new puppy , June - surgery for Tony and the rest of the year is a blur at this point.

Looks like my sister and I hang out at hospitals, doctor's offices and airports. To be continued . . .

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Reflections Two Days to 2011

Tony Decorates the Tree His Favorite Way
A belated Merry Christmas to you.  I hope that you and your families had a good season of feasting and celebration!

Now comes the time of reflection that goes on every year after the shopping and gifts are given and exchanged. Leftovers fill most of the space in the fridge.

Today I tried to plan the New Year. It's always good to start off the year with a plan.

The first change is to outsource the housekeeping for mom and auntie.  It's something I tried to handle myself for some time and I'm doing a mediocre job at it. Trying to find housekeeping services in our area, after seeing a commercial for Merry Maids (they all looked so happy), I called the 888 number advertised.

My call was routed to a central information desk and I was asked for my zip code. They gave me a phone number of the nearest location to me but their Street Atlas or Google Map must have been outdated because I reached a number in Mesquite which is a pretty far drive from us. The lady was friendly and helpful with answers to my questions - except when it came for maid service coverage in our area. She was emphatic - we were just too far out. Maybe Plano office could help me. So I wrote down their number and called.

It was the first lady I'd spoken to at the call center again. WHAT? Why had Mesquite given me this number? They don't service my area. Period.

So I Googled: Housekeeping Services in North Texas. All kinds of helpful numbers came up: The Maid Place (I got voice mail so I hung up); Just Cleaning (They won't go more than 50 miles from their base location in Dallas); The Maids ("Just TOO far out. They can't go."); Pop-ins Maid (Sorry); MaidBrigade (No luck) and finally, several phone calls later I was thrilled to find someone who said "Yes!" They COULD service our area. Yahoo!

So they want me to call them back on Monday after the New Year. Okeedokey. . . . .Whatever.